Demand a stronger ROI. Is it odd to use financial jargon when discussing the benefits of the Stamina InStride Folding Cycle? Maybe so. Then again, your commitment to fit, healthy living is serious business. And Stamina believes the energy and sweat you spend working out may just be the most valuable investment you can make. To maximize your ROI (return on investment), the InStride Folding Cycle is designed to strengthen your muscles while aerobic exercise increases your metabolism to burn calories more efficiently.
Lightweight and portable, the InStride Folding Cycle serves as your personal, fitness-focused travel companion. Break out the cycle at home, at the office, on vacation, or anywhere else life takes you. Then simply unfold, secure, and start pedaling your cycle to shed calories and tone your body while performing regular daily tasks.
Sophisticatedly Simple. The InStride Folding Cycle reflects the fact that simplest designs generally stem from sophisticated engineering. Developed as a fitness solution for all of us who are too busy to focus time and attention on complicated exercises, the InStride Folding Cycle is a cinch to use. Sturdy rubber feet prevent the...