Valid 03 March – 09 March
Quickly scan priceless photos and preserve them for future generations using this scanner. The automatic document feeder lets you load up 36 photos to scan them into your computer or the Cloud, while Epson FastFoto software provides you with the tools to restore, organize and share images with family and friends.
• 50 to 1200 dpi resolution for crisp, vivid photos and documents.
• Features 24-bit external color depth with 8-bit external grayscale depth.
• Scans up to a maximum size of 8.5" x 240" (215 - 240" at 200 dpi maximum resolution). Can scan photos measuring 3" x 5", 4" x 6", 5" x 7", 8" x 10", Polaroid photos and panoramic photos up to 8.5" x 36".
• 4" x 6" landscape photo scan speed of 80 ppm and letter-size document scan speed of 45 ppm.