Sta-Green® 8, 000-sq ft Weed & Feed
Valid 20 February – 05 March
The Sta-Green 29-0-10 Southern Weed & Feed Fertilizer offers lawn care for southern regions by killing over 110 tough weeds like dandelion, dollarweed, clover, and chickweed, while feeding your lawn for up to 3 months. This product can be used on established cool-season turfgrasses including Annual Bluegrass, Bentgrass Species, Fescue (fine leaf or tall), Kentucky Bluegrass, and Perennial Ryegrass. It can also be used on established warm-season turfgrass like Bermudagrass (common or hybrid), Centipedegrass, Kikuyugrass, Seashore Paspalum, St. Augustinegrass and Zoysiagrass. Sta-Green 29-0-10 Southern Weed & Feed Fertilizer kills the weeds, not the grass. For best results, apply in the spring or early fall when broadleaf weeds are growing, and ensure the air is calm to avoid granules landing on flowers or shrubs. In cases of heavy weed infestation, a second application of the lawn fertilizer may be required. For best results, avoid application in temperatures above 90°F. Each bag covers up to 8, 000 square feet. Sta-Green 25.6-lb 8000-sq ft 29-0-10 Weed & Feed Fertilizer | 100551491SKU: 5997427