
Banixx Chixx Spray Topical Poultry Treatment

Banixx Chixx Spray Topical Poultry Treatment

24.99$You save3.00$12% off

Valid 28 January03 February


Banixx for CHIXX is a topical anti-bacterial, anti-fungal spray for a myriad of chicken/poultry problems such as Pecking Sores, Raw Vent Area Injuries, Bumble foot (Bumblefoot), Fowl Pox, Fungus, Chicken Foot/ Leg injuries and a host of other cuts, scrapes & abrasions.Banixx for CHIXX is a must-have for the backyard chicken owner to have in their Poultry First Aid kit. • Our solution is steroid-free and antibiotic-free • Completely safe for use around the eyes • Has no odor/no sting; hence application to your chicken is a breeze for both you and your feathered friend. • With no added dyes, neither your hands, your chicken nor your coup will be stained or sticky